Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Sewing Project 1- B5210

I decided on what my first sewing project for Spring/Summer will be. I was over a girlfriends house and she showed me a dress that she had just brought and it really looked nice on her. Since, I need to add a few dresses to my wardrobe. I used her dress as my inspiration for this project

I chose this dress, view B, as my first project. I am in the process of cutting the pattern out. I will post progress on it and the finish product.

Mother's Day, I was sick as a dog (why do people say that...where did that saying come from?) Anyway, I was waiting to post one of my mother's day gift to my mom as I didn't want to spoil the surprise if she decided to read my blog. I am going to post pictures later. I made one for my God-mother as well, but hers is a little different. You'll see.

I signed up today for the 29 Days Giving Challenge. I decided I'll start on Monday, May 19 to give me a chance to think about some of the things I would like to do. I'm looking forward to it. I'm a giving person, but this will be a little different as I must document my giving and it should be 29 Days straight...that's my challenge. Per the rules, you can give anything...time, money, a listening ear etc. Check the site out and signup!

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