Saturday, December 8, 2012

Dread Early Morning Phone Calls

Yesterday, morning the phone rang early. I have always been leary of an early morning phone call ever since, I received an early morning call July 3, 1996. Back then, my uncle, who was more like a brother to me collasped at work and was rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital.  I received a call early in the morning from my mom of this news and was to meet her and my maternal grandmother at the hospital.

 I arrived at the hospital first and went to the desk inquiring about my uncle and the desk nurse instructed me to go into this room as I waited for my mom and grandmother to arrive. I patiently was waiting for them to arrive and I started to notice the pamphlets in the room, "How to deal with death of a loved one" and a poster on the wall of a image ascending to clouds.  I freaked, ran out of the room and ask the nurse was my uncle stable and if I could see him at that time.  She asked me if my uncle mom or wife had arrived.  I told her that my mom and grandmother(his mother) were on their way.  My uncle was not with his wife at that time and she was living in another state, so nobody was going to wait for her to get their before we saw him.  The nurse sent me back to the room and I broke down, while crying I asked her why was she sending me to that room and whynot the emergency room waiting area, which was right around the corner. I remember her telling me to please go in the room and the doctor will be out to talk to me.  I didnt want to go back in that room and another girl who was waiting to see her uncle who wasin a fishing accident came and gave me a hug and offered to go in the room with me. 

It was like the floor dropped under my feet when the doctor came out and said, "we did all we could do, but Mr.[my uncle]did not make it" as he was asking me to identify the body, my mom and Grandmother walked in.  {I did not want to do it, but I didn't want my Grandma having to  do it(she ended up wanting to see him) that image of my uncle lying on a gerney with needles sticking out of him is still embedded in my brain) {such a sad day}
Yesterday, the telephone rang early and it was from my step-grandmother's house, it was her nurse and my aunt telling my father of his mother's passing.
Today, I received a text at 8am from my girlfriend that her mom had passed earlier today.  I don't like early morning calls and now I'm adding early morning texts too.  My friends and family members know this and do not call if it is absolutely necessary or an emergency.
May Mrs. Alice Downs (step-grandmother) and Mrs. Margaret Culver (Best Friend mom) Rest In Peace and blessings showered among the families and loved ones.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am so grateful for my son(12yrs old). He literally saved my life on July 23, 2012. 

 I had no idea what was going on with me. It was a regular Monday morning, so, I thought.  I tried to stand up to  prepare myself for work, but that day I felt a little dizzy. I thought, maybe I needed something to eat. i continued to try to get up, but my legs felt like noodles. I couldn't stand!  I flung myself out of my bed and tried to get closer to my son's room.  I remember trying to crawl, but i couldn't. I remember flinging myself and rolling to get closer to him. I yelled out to him, while I was still flinging myself on the floor, so much so  just before I flunged myself down the stairs my son came and asked me if I was OK. I think, I said "yes".My son kept saying "Mom, you don't look right." and "Mom, you don't sound right either.  I remember thinking, "I fell down the freaking steps how does one should look". I remember telling him I was OK. But then he asked me to say "buttercup" like 5 times. He said, I couldn't do it and that, "I didn't sound right".  He said, he was going to call 911. I told him "no!" I remember him putting the phone to my ear and my mother was on the line asking me what was going on because my son called her and said, "my mom, doesn't look or sound right and she won't let me call 911" my mom asked me to say a word and I guess I couldn't and the next thing I know the paramedics was at my door and I was in the hospital.  I didn't get out of the hospital until Aug. 28th.  So, for those who wondered that's where I've been.  I've been at my parent's house since then recovering and going to out patient therapy. That's the short story.

Take Care of yourself. Eat healthy and believe me STRESS kills!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sally Hanson's 5 minute French Manicure Pen Kit

I love French Manicures! 

While in Rite Aid, I noticed the Sally Hanson's 5 Minute French Manicure Pen kit.  I had never tried this kit before.  I noticed the kits were on clearance.  For $1.65, I was willing to give it a try.  I could easily see that the polishes were not dried up, but I wasn't so certain about the white solution in the pen.  I followed the directions in preparing the pen for application.  It went fairly well.  The pen made it simple.  If you feel you don't have a steady handy the kit also includes sticker guides.  I've never had great success with those.  I did a good job without the guides. This is a great way to extend your professionally done French Manicure.

If you're like me and love French Manicures, check this product out.  The original price range is $5-$8.  However, check to see if your local Rite Aid has the kits on clearance and get you one.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Happy New Year and all that good stuff.  2011 was not one of my best years, so I am glad to be here in 2012 to make it a GREAT year.

I decided to provide some updates since it's been awhile since I lasted posted.
  • My son had a few doctor appointments and have more to come. He was measured for his brace. The brace was made and my son has been wearing it. Initially, he wore the brace for an hour and increase by an hour daily until he could wear it practically all day to include the night.  I do not make him wear it to school as I'm afraid he will lose it at school.  He is suppose to take it off for gym and well, I know my son and the other kids around him.  This brace is expensive and I don't want to take the chance.  The doctor would like for him to begin to wear it to school, so he will on the days he does not have gym. 
  • I spent some time in the hospital.  I am currently working on my health.
  • Stress is not good and I have been in the process of eliminating stress from my life (i.e., stressful people, stressful situations etc.)
  • I've had some issues at my home, which contractors will fix (stress that I unfortunately cannot eliminate on my own)
  • My son and I are going through the "Middle School" blues!  I really never knew it was that big of an adjustment.  It definitely is for boys. 

Smile at someone for no reason ;-)

Take Care