Friday, August 22, 2008


I use to be so excited about my birthday. My son is more excited than I am. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to be here on earth to share life with my son and family, but...

okay moving on

I usually let him take me out to dinner and give him the money so he can pay [he gets a kick out of that], but my parents and my sister took us out over the weekend during Restuarant Week [Ruth Chris], so I'm not sure if that's something we'll do. Maybe I'll let him take me to a movie...LOL, I don't want to see no daggone kids movie though. I don't know when I've seen an adult movie the theater. Um, I guess it was "Why Did I Get Married"

I had a gift and card in my mailbox from a neighbor...that was nice and brought a smile to my face...someone cares and remembered my special day.

I'll have to provide an update to let you know how "my" day turned out.

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