Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am so grateful for my son(12yrs old). He literally saved my life on July 23, 2012. 

 I had no idea what was going on with me. It was a regular Monday morning, so, I thought.  I tried to stand up to  prepare myself for work, but that day I felt a little dizzy. I thought, maybe I needed something to eat. i continued to try to get up, but my legs felt like noodles. I couldn't stand!  I flung myself out of my bed and tried to get closer to my son's room.  I remember trying to crawl, but i couldn't. I remember flinging myself and rolling to get closer to him. I yelled out to him, while I was still flinging myself on the floor, so much so  just before I flunged myself down the stairs my son came and asked me if I was OK. I think, I said "yes".My son kept saying "Mom, you don't look right." and "Mom, you don't sound right either.  I remember thinking, "I fell down the freaking steps how does one should look". I remember telling him I was OK. But then he asked me to say "buttercup" like 5 times. He said, I couldn't do it and that, "I didn't sound right".  He said, he was going to call 911. I told him "no!" I remember him putting the phone to my ear and my mother was on the line asking me what was going on because my son called her and said, "my mom, doesn't look or sound right and she won't let me call 911" my mom asked me to say a word and I guess I couldn't and the next thing I know the paramedics was at my door and I was in the hospital.  I didn't get out of the hospital until Aug. 28th.  So, for those who wondered that's where I've been.  I've been at my parent's house since then recovering and going to out patient therapy. That's the short story.

Take Care of yourself. Eat healthy and believe me STRESS kills!