Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do You Have A Preference?

Visa or Mastercard that is.

I know there are others, but for now, I am curious as to which you prefer between those two and why.  Drop me a comment and please take my poll{see on right side}


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Helping A Neighbor With Cancer Stop Foreclosure

My neighbor has been battling cancer, which seems to have been most of her life.  In high schoo,l she had ovarian cancer.  Physically having children of her own would no longer be possible for her.  As she grew older, she came to terms with not having a child in her life.  However, in her late 20's she was blessed by receiving temporary guardianship in raising her 2 week old cousin.

When the little girl turned two or three, yet again cancer knocked on my neighbors door, breast cancer.  She was devasted, but knew she had a young child depending on her and she fought and won.  In her late 40's, she is in her 50's now, cancer once again has come to visited her, the "little" girl no longer in her household is of age and "writing" her life chapters. I've noticed the fight seems to have dimmed.  I remind her that Cancer has knocked on her door several times and that she's kicked it out each time and that she must do the same this time.  She confided in me that she was behind in her mortgage and that it worried her that one day she would come home from the hospital to find that she no longer has a home  She's been in the hospital numerous of times to the point where she has exhausted all of her leave, exhausted leave that was donated to her and is strictly getting paid for the days that she actually works.  There are good and bad days, however as of late the bad are outweighing the good.

After contacting Chase Mortgage, her mortgage broker she filled paper work in hopes to have the mortgage adjusted.  She was informed not to pay her mortgage and wait to hear from them regarding approval.  Doesn't that sound shady.  I couldn't believe it when she told me, but I have researched online and found that this has happened to others...only to receive a letter stating the mortgage adjustment has been DENIED!

She just returned home today from a stint in the hospital and I have discussed with her that she needs to talk to a mortgage counselor.  I researched on and provided her a listing in our area.  Meanwhile, I have created a Chip In  account in hopes to help her raise the funds in which she owes... just in case.  If you, feel it in your heart to help her out any amount (i.e., $1 etc.) it would greatly be appreciated.

I will keep you posted.