Letting go is hard for me.
When I love, I love hard... to the core.
So, early on in 2008, I had to deal with "releasing" two people that I cared and loved deeply. Pretty much around the same time.My grandmother died Feb. 4.
Loosing my grandmother was/is... a feeling I can't describe. I know, I will always love and miss her.
Year 2008 was definitely a lesson in letting go and learning that not always will a person be the friend that you are to them...my grandmother, was due to death and the other two, due to circumstances...LIFE.
I was falling into a real depressed mode and I believe if it wasn't for my son and his persistence..."Come on mommy, let's go or play [insert some fun kid activity]." I just might have crawled under that rock. I used so much leave on the job, I couldn't take my normal week off for Xmas. Now, I never [since giving birth to my son of 8 years] work Christmas Eve or the day after Xmas, but I'm here to tell you my butt was there!
I don't think letting go will ever come easy for me, no matter the circumstances. But, I know there comes a time when you must...to grow.
I'm going to follow Adrienne's lead, my ceremony is tomorrow.
Looking forward to 2009
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!
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