My son attitude has changed in a not so positive way. He is twelve(12) and it seemed the change happened over night. Thus, lately we have had alot of teachable moments. I decided to document these life lessons.
Today, was my sons school sports awards program. I took off work a little early so, he would have enough time to change his clothes and prepare for the event. He was previously excited about the event. However, he found out that he would not be receiving an award, which he thought, I did not know. When I arrive at the school to pick him up and ask that he put a littlr pep in his step as we only had a few minutes for him to get ready and get back for the event. He states, "I don't want to go to the awards program." I tell him point blank that he will be attending the program and tel him to head for the door. He, now pouting and moving slow towards the door asked "do I have to go?" I reply, "Yes!" He starts to mumble under his breath and I hear, "I don't know, why I have to go, I'm not getting nothing" I knew all along, he was not going to receive an award due to he did not keep up his grades during the season.
He finally got dress. We sat with some of his friends. The program begins and all the middle school boys were called on stage as they won the Championship. His friends whom we were sitting with get up and my son is the lone soldier. The boys on stage receive the medals, plaques and certificates and I could see the disappointment in my sons eyes. The girls are then called on stage and receive their medals, plaques and certificates. Next, the coach talks about those who did the work reap the benefits. The work is not only winning a race, but doing the work to get in the race.
As we were leaving the event, my son commented, "I told you I wasn't going to get anything". I replied, " I knew you were not going to receive an award." He then replied, "then why did we go?" I informed him, he decided that he wanted to be apart of the team when he asked for my permission to tryout for the team. He was there in support of his team and although he chose not to do his part in doing his school work to keep up his grades and was not allowed or eligible to participate in the some of the meets. His teammates deserved his support as they supported him in the meets in which he ran. Also, that it is not about "receiving". We talked a little more about the matter and I think he got it, but only time will tell
Be a teacher when life presents a teachable moment!
-Peace & Happiness
"Adversity will surface in every life. How we meet it makes the difference."~Marvin J. Ashton (1915-1994)